“D&L Contracting Services, Health and Safety Plan : As directed by U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration And OSHA 3990-03 2020 The following directive is in place for D&L Contracting Services as Prevention Measures General On-the-Job Guidance to Prevent Exposure & Limit the Transmission of the Virus • No handshaking • Wash hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol • Each jobsite should develop cleaning and decontamination procedures that are posted and shared. These Procedures must cover all areas including trailers, gates, equipment, vehicles, etc. and shall be posted at all entry points to the sites, and throughout the project site. • A “No Congregation” policy is in effect, individuals must implement social distancing by maintaining a minimum distance of 6-feet from other individuals • Avoid face to face meetings – critical situations requiring in-person discussion must follow social distancing • Conduct all meetings via conference calls, if possible. Do not convene meetings of more than 10 people. Recommend use of cell phones, texting, web meeting sites and conference calls for project discussion • All individual work crew meetings/tailgate talks should be held outside and follow social distancing • Please keep all crews a minimum of 6’ apart at all times to eliminate the potential of cross contamination • At each job briefing/tool box talk, employees are asked if they are experiencing any symptoms, and are sent home if they are • Each jobsite should have laminated COVID-19 safety guidelines and handwashing instructions • All restroom facilities/porta-potties should be cleaned and handwashing stations must be provided with soap, hand sanitizer and paper towels • All surfaces should be regularly cleaned, including surfaces, door handles, laptops, etc. • All common areas and meeting areas are to be regularly cleaned and disinfected at least once a day but preferably twice a day • Be sure to use your own water bottle, and do not share • To avoid external contamination, we recommend everyone bring food from home • Please maintain Social Distancing separation during breaks and lunch. • Cover coughing or sneezing with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash hands, if no tissue is available then cough into your elbow • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands • To avoid sharing germs, please clean up after Yourself. DO NOT make others responsible for moving, unpacking and packing up your personal belongings Job site implementations • Workers are to wear masks and / or gloves when required over their noses and mouths to prevent them from spreading the virus. • Training workers on how to properly wear and use protective clothing and equipment. • Keeping in-person meetings (including toolbox talks and safety meetings) as short as possible and limiting the number of workers in attendance. • Encouraging workers to stay home if they are sick. • Maintaining physical distance (at least six feet when possible) on the job site and inside work trailers. • Encouraging frequent handwashing or sanitizing. • Conducting daily health checks • Conducting a hazard assessment of the workplace • Implementing policies and practices for social distancing in the workplace or tenant spaces inside buildings • Improving the building ventilation system throughout the progress of the project. • Stager schedules as needed to keep direct contact to a minimum. • Flexible hours when possible • Face masks and Gloves available onsite as well as disinfectant for any vendors who may visit site. • infectious disease preparedness and response plan. As provided in the guidance document, there is a zero tolerance for sick workers reporting to work. Employees should be instructed that even those with mild symptoms of respiratory infection (cough, shortness of breath, sore throat) or fever should stay off work. Contractors shall take immediate steps to limit infections at the job site in the event that a worker discovered to have tested positive for COVID-19 or has COVID-19 related symptoms. Although it is understood that contractors are enforcing Work Site Risk Prevention Practices including social distancing rules and use of PPE, consistent with guidelines it is also recognized that there may be occasions where someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who has COVID-19 symptoms has been present in a work area. The Field Supervisor shall direct workers with COVID-19 related symptoms to leave the jobsite immediately and contact their healthcare provider. Identify any exposures such as • Other workers, vendors, inspectors, or visitors to the work site with close contact to the individual • Work areas such as supply cabinets and designated workstations or rooms • Work tools and equipment • Common areas such as break rooms and tables, vending machines, and sanitary facilities Notification and Quarantine Requirements As provided by law, the identity of the worker must be kept confidential. Upon learning of an infection, the contractor must immediately notify the designated COVID-19 safety officer, the site safety officer, and the owner. Sanitation Requirements Contractor shall take immediate steps to sanitize common areas and direct workplaces. This includes all on-site bathroom facilities, any break facilities, and any other common areas on the job site that may have been in close contact with the infected worker. Sanitation will be conducted with personnel, equipment, and material approved for COVID-19 sanitization. Identified areas should remain isolated from workers until sanitation process has been completed and area is deemed safe for use. Returning to Work All impacted workers should follow CDC and DPH recommended steps concerning return to work. Workers who are considered close contacts to a COVID19 case by public health authorities should not return for 14 days and are subject quarantine by public health. Workers who leave during the workday due to COVID-19 symptoms and develop COVID-19 as confirmed by laboratory testing or diagnosis by a healthcare provider shall not return to the site until either released from isolation by healthcare provider or public health. Work Site Risk Prevention Practices • At the start of each shift, confirm with all employees that they are healthy. • We will have a 100% mask policy from today going forward. All construction workers will be required to wear face covering, mask or the equivalent. • Use of eye protection (safety goggles/face shields) is recommended • In work conditions where required social distancing is impossible to achieve affected employees shall be supplied PPE including as appropriate a standard face mask, gloves, and eye protection. • When entering a machine or vehicle which you are not sure you were the last person to enter, make sure that you wipe down the interior and door handles with disinfectant prior to entry • In instances where it is possible, workers should maintain separation of 6’ from each other per CDC guidelines. • Multi person activities will be limited where feasible (two person lifting activities) • Large gathering places on the site such as shacks and break areas will be eliminated and instead small break areas will be used with seating limited to ensure social distancing. • Clean all high contact surfaces a minimum of twice a day in order to minimize the spread of germs in areas that people touch frequently. This includes but is not limited to desks, laptops and vehicles Wash Stations All site-specific projects with outside construction sites without ready access to an indoor bathroom MUST install Wash Stations or provide hand sanitizer areas • Install hand wash stations with hot water, if possible, and soap at fire hydrants or other water sources to be used for frequent handwashing for all onsite employees • All onsite workers must help to maintain and keep stations clean • If a worker notices soap or towels are running low or out, immediately notify supervisors • Garbage barrels will be placed next to the hand wash station for disposal of tissues/towels Please Note: This document is not intended to replace any formalized procedures currently in place with D&L Contracting Services, Inc. Where these guidance does not meet or exceed the standards put forth by the General Contractor, everyone shall abide by the most stringent procedure available.”